How to shave "8MB" from my DVD » Marketing międzynarodowy » Forum


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Dzisiaj: 31.03.2025 - 17:10:58
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How to shave "8MB" from my DVD





Wiadomości: 31
Rejestracja: 31 gru 2008, 12:37

Removing End Credits 

Wiadomość # 1 01.06.21 - 17:19:55
RE: How to shave "8MB" from my DVD

Nowy Telewizor


Wiadomości: 1610
Rejestracja: 03 sie 2020, 10:57

Using DVD2AVI and vstrip GUI, you can follow steps 14 to 30 in Part 2 of this or you could use IFOedit to get your new end sector address and then use vStrip GUI. To do that in IFOedit, double click on the cell in your movie IFO / VTS Overview / PGC_1 (program chain) that contains your credits. Your VOB Preview window will pop up and in the top left part, you will have your sector address. Use the slider bar to get to your start of your credits. When you got it where you want it, write the sector address down and then jump to step 24 to use vStrip in guide link above. Substitite your last movie VOB into guide. Also remember to get VTS Sectors afterwards. I hope it helps for you.

Miłego dnia
Wiadomość # 2 01.06.21 - 17:30:11
RE: How to shave "8MB" from my DVD



Wiadomości: 54
Rejestracja: 22 sie 2007, 15:47

Thanks a bunch...I took the advice of your seond idea, and it worked great! I have one follow up question. The movie plays fine, but when it gets the the last vob, and basically to the last point in the movie, any player freeks out. It says it cant read from the source disk. I am thinkin the ifo it telling the software there is more, when there really isnt becuase I lopped of the remainder of the movie (the credits). My question is, do I have to change in some ifo that the movie is ending in a differnt place. That it is actually ending before the credits and such and such a place. So when the movie is done really is done playing and that is what the software thinks too? Does that make sense? Thanks again, -Nick

Wiadomość # 3 01.06.21 - 17:40:20
RE: How to shave "8MB" from my DVD



Wiadomości: 59
Rejestracja: 03 lis 2013, 20:59

How about doing this to correct the movie length... Open your movie IFO. Go topside in Title Bar and select VOB Extras / STrip Streams. Select a destination and when you get to the next window, keep all your streams checked. You will be doing a mock strip and IFOedit will process the whole movie and corrrecting it. I hope it works for you. Oh by the way, here's a tip to make IFOedit process faster > Drag the processing window to the bottom of the screen so that the progress bar is right above the bottom task bar and off the screen. You'll see the % increase faster.

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Wiadomość # 4 01.06.21 - 17:50:29
RE: How to shave "8MB" from my DVD

Hot Heart


Wiadomości: 1898
Rejestracja: 24 maja 2020, 18:29

Once again thanks a bunch. You are the man! I will try it later. Thanks for the help, -Nick

Wiadomość # 5 01.06.21 - 17:57:23
RE: How to shave "8MB" from my DVD
Sides are cut on JVC D-series 27" and Pioneer DV-C505 : Poprzedni tematNastępny temat: Interesting ebay item!!
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