Remap sustain pedal to MIDI note? » Inbound marketing » Forum


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Dzisiaj: 31.03.2025 - 17:28:38
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Remap sustain pedal to MIDI note?





Wiadomości: 313
Rejestracja: 24 lip 2021, 17:54

New to Reaper and can't figure this one out... I want to use my MIDI sustain pedal (CC:66 I think) to trigger a MIDI note value (let's say a note "on" value on C3). The application is being able to trigger a kick drum in a VSTi like EZDrummer with the MIDI sustain pedal. I have tried ReaControlMIDI, MidiOX, Piz MIDIConverter3 and can't make it work. How would I do this in Reaper or alternatively using a 3rd party MIDI remapper? Thanks!!

Wiadomość # 1 18.10.20 - 17:34:15
RE: Remap sustain pedal to MIDI note?



Wiadomości: 36
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2014, 13:13

I think this Jesusonic plugin should do the trick for you : Download and put somewhere in your \Reaper\Effects folder or any sub-folders of that. Use it in your FX chain before your drum sampler / synth. I wrote it to do the very same thing. Converts CC64 to a note, but you could change the CC number by clicking the "Edit" button and looking for this line : ccsrc = 64; //change this number to use different CC as source cheers :)

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Wiadomość # 2 18.10.20 - 17:43:15
RE: Remap sustain pedal to MIDI note?



Wiadomości: 23
Rejestracja: 03 maja 2021, 17:09

Works great!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Wiadomość # 3 18.10.20 - 17:49:16
RE: Remap sustain pedal to MIDI note?
I Actually Finished Something... : Poprzedni temat
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